3 Books Everyone Should Read
Over the past 20 years, I have read over 50 books on the subject of self-development and productivity.
Unfortunately, most of them were a waste of time. They could have easily been blog posts, or even newsletter emails.
Instead, I encourage you to give these 3 a read.
They’re well worth the time.
Atomic Habits (James Clear)
I first read this book in 2023. It added immediate value to my life.
Any worthy goal takes time. You can’t expect to accomplish anything significant in a day. Usually it takes time.
It is your habits that will determine if you attain those lofty goals or not.
If you constantly get sucked into mindless scrolling and can’t get out of media consumption mode, give this book a try.
The Almanac of Naval Ravikant (Naval Ravikant and Eric Jorgenson)
Before this book started showing up on my Twitter feed, I never heard of Naval.
But then I couldn’t stop hearing about him and his wisdom. He was everywhere. And for good reason. He puts everything in perspective.
Life is chaotic. But it’s only that way if you try to do everything. Understanding that you must limit your workload, you’ll do quality work more frequently.
Getting Things Done (David Allen)
Adding this book on top of the other two adds fuel to the fire. This book will help you develop a productivity system so that you can accomplish your goals.
This book taught me to look at every problem as a project.
Huge goals aren’t as intimidating if you “Projectize” them. Break them down into what David Allen calls “next actions.”
“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” — Zig Ziglar
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