Math Tutoring is a Lesson in Patience.
Math is humbling. Teaching math to students is humbling-er.
I’ve been helping my son with his math assignments. I meant, I’ve been “learning alongside” my son during our father-son math sessions.
I remember skating by with math when I was his age (8th grade). I don’t remember being good at it. In fact, I remember asking why we had to learn it. I could not connect math with any real world use. But that was 8th grade me. Today “me” thinks differently.
When I teach (read: learn) math with my son, I realize how important math is. Anything that’s challenging has application in the real world.
Here’s what I’ve learned:
- Patience. Learning math requires patience. Teaching it, even more. We all have limits to our attention span. The younger, the shorter. Teaching a challenging subject to a young student will teach you to be patient. If you’re not, they will lose interest.
- Khan Academy is awesome. This is a great resource for parents and students. I am very grateful for Khan’s way of explaining difficult subjects. An aspiring student can learn anything with resources like this.
- Problem-Solving. Math is the avenue through which the student learns “problem-solving”. Some problems involve many steps. The student who can step back and see the zoomed out view of the problem will do well.
- Logic. Math teaches us logic. The equations are the premises. The solutions, the conclusion. To get to a conclusion, the student must first untangle the premises.
- You learn the subject better when you must teach it. Teaching begets learning. To be an effective teacher, you must first know the subject in minute detail.
Math is a great tool for general learning. I now understand why the curriculum is the way it is. At least, that’s my interpretation.