Rule 4: Stop comparing yourself to others
Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today
It is very difficult to hit a moving target. But the lure of aiming at these moving targets is overwhelming. We cannot help but to do so.
Social media affords us all the opportunity to compare ourselves to others. This often leads to feelings of insufficiency and huge drops in morale. We only see what others are willing to show us. Not many will show the world what they are really going through. They careful curate their content. They package it for easy consumption that (they hope) gets them likes.
Comparing yourself to others is natural, but can be detrimental to your mental health.
When you feel the urge to judge yourself against other, keep these in mind:
- You only see the fruits of their labor. They aren’t showing the struggle they’ve been through to get there.
- Run your own race. Life isn’t about being better than others. It is about being better than you were before.
- Ditch the idea that you need to be good at everything. You are very good at some things; okay at other things; and terrible at yet other things. That is common and natural. Winning at everything means that you aren’t exploring outside of your comfort zone.
- You have different life experiences. You can’t expect similar results from someone who has different life experiences than you.
This post was created with Typeshare