The Markets are a Bloodbath. This is the Best Time to Invest.

John Guerrero
2 min readMay 17, 2022


The markets have been a bloodbath lately. This has caused a lot of people to panic and sell their stocks and crypto. However, this is actually the best time to invest! The prices are lower than they have been in a long time, so you can buy more shares or coins for your portfolio. Keep investing during these tough times, and you will be rewarded in the long run!

The stock market has been on a steady rise throughout history. As you zoom out, it seems like it’s been smooth sailing. But it has been anything but that.

As you zoom into the charts, you’ll find that there is a lot of ups and downs. But the general, long-term trend is up.

Here are some things to tell yourself when you feel like pulling the plug and converting all your assets to cash.

  1. The 100-baggers (assets that have 10x’d) have one thing in common: a long-term time horizon. They just need time to grow. So don’t make any rash decisions in this down market.
  2. Take a deep breath and remember that this, too, shall pass. This market crash is just a blip on the radar in the grand scheme of things.
  3. There is always an “existential threat” that no one’s ever seen before. This is flawed thinking. This mindset makes investors do irrational things like convert over to all cash. The best time to invest new money is when the market is down. Of course, ensure the business’s fundamentals are still solid.

Disclaimer: writing this to myself so I won’t make any decisions I’m going to regret later.

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John Guerrero
John Guerrero

Written by John Guerrero

Sharing life, health, and wealth wisdom in under 5 minutes. Offering concise insights and practical advice for a balanced and thriving life.

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