Using A.I. to churn out article after article.
“But the tech has been evolving for a long time. Machines write most of the breaking new stories we read now. There are even competitions for machine-written fiction and music composition.” — Darknet, Matthew Mather
It is an inevitable truth. Machines have taken over. If you have ever had any reservations about the rise of the machines during our lifetimes, do not read Darknet by Mather. This is a very alarming, but fictitious (at least for now), story about how machines and artificial intelligence has taken over.
Do machines help us or hurt us when we’re looking at things from a productivity perspective? Do they help us with creatively? Do they hurt and hamper our creativity?
“The writing is on the wall: writing as a profession’s days are numbered. Take heart! Technology, in this case artificial intelligence, will not completely replace writing. Rather, it will supplement it.” — Mike Mathews via Inc., Kelly Krantz
I agree. Writing is not lost completely to technology. I wholeheartedly believe that technology supplements writing. It keeps the creative juices flowing. It can also be a great writing tool.
“In an age of writing by algorithm, writing is losing its humanity. The writing you read each day on sites like Facebook or Twitter isn’t written by humans who think and feel — it’s mostly machine-produced text.” — Chess Sweet via Vocativ , James Vincent.
There are, however, some purists who believe that the creative element is lost. This is flawed thinking. Being pure is somehow seen as being more noble. Surely, it is noble. More noble? I’m on the fence with that.
Whether we like it or not, technology will continue to advance in this department. We should learn to live with it and use it to our advantages. There are advantages.
The writing industry, for example, is ripe for the picking.
So I present to you a writing assistant that uses artificial intelligence to write articles after article that are tailored specifically to your writing needs. You do not need any previous writing experience or expertise.
The biggest issue most writers face is the dreaded writer’s block. This is a persistent obstacle and prevents many would-be writers from ever pursuing their craft.
Writing can be a lonely business with long hours spent writing article after article with little feedback unless you’re writing for a publication. Even then, you only have the audience’s brief attention. The advent of social media and easy-to-consume information makes the writer’s job even more difficult.
Artificial intelligence may not be a bad way to go for a new writer.